As you are striving to change, there are what I call “pillars of health”, that you can lean on for support. Learning mindfulness techniques, encouraging genuine social relatedness, physical exercise and connecting with nature are all mood enhancers that we can change and control to some extent. These techniques are part of an evidence-based psychotherapy and are often referred to as integrative, holistic, or mind-body focused.
All our physical systems (respiratory, digestive, circulatory etc.) are interconnected to make the human body function. We also function in an environment of many other systems (such as familial, work, community, natural), and these are also interconnected. It is the interconnectedness – that creates the structure of our lives – that is what we mean by integrative health.
Exploration of your values will also drive our discussions. Is your life congruent with what you value? If not, we will discover ways to shift this imbalance. You will see that small changes in your attitudes and perception can bring about a sense of harmony in your life. While existential concerns are discussed, you will find that I also keep us grounded with concrete exercises. You can expect that we will thoroughly explore the areas you have chosen to work on in order to help you find a sense of peace and comfort.